SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜

在瞬息万变的今天, 市场竞争异常激烈, 组织需要高度运作, 创新领袖.  能够将广泛的组织愿景和使命与盈利运营的日常任务结合起来的领导者.  Leaders that can positively manage, 影响, inspire, innovate, and lead your organization.

lol菠菜竞猜有效地培训了经验丰富的员工, 新提拔的, 以及潜在的领导者更有战略性地思考和行动.  我们可以帮助你们的领导人, 在组织的每一个层面, 了解如何进一步提升管理及员工表现.  The 最好的中心 can build the skills necessary for effective communication, 目标设定, 决策, 训练, 创新地解决问题, 解决冲突和团队建设.

让我们与你合作, 帮助发展你的员工, 所以他们可以反过来帮助你的组织发展!



问责不仅仅是书面记录. 它促进了员工之间有意识的清晰和专注,并为领导者提供了一种授权给员工的方法, achieve a higher level of effectiveness within their organizations and positively impact productivity. The trick is holding staff accountable and maintaining a high morale within your team.

突破思维 & 创造创新

这种培训使领导者了解如何获得创造性思维,并将其与批判性思维相结合,以开发具有竞争力的独特和精心设计的解决方案,以应对困难的组织挑战. 这种类型的问题解决和决策培训引入了一种独特而高效的方法,已被证明在提高效率方面是成功的, 表演, 副士气, 和生产力.


建立合作 involves a number of skills and abilities and goes beyond teambuilding. 合作建立在信任的基础上, 互相尊重, 共同的愿景, 包容, 开放沟通和获取信息. The rewards reaped by the organization can be represented across arenas, 从改进的过程, 产品和服务加强创新.


在今天的商业环境中, most organizations have resorted to using teams to tackle a variety of challenges and projects. 然而, 标准的方法是把个人拉到一起, 给他们布置作业, 等待结果, 没有意识到真正的团队不是偶然形成的. They are the result of strategic planning, staff training, and empowerment. Important elements of teamwork include a solid understanding of how a team interacts, 如何平衡冲突, 它如何管理计划时间和活动, 以及它如何很好地完成任务. 一个真正的团队是一种惊人的强大力量.


为了最好的改变! 这个密集的, hands-on program is designed to develop proven skills needed to manage, 影响, 创建, 激励和领导组织. 学生将学会战略性地思考和行动, enhancing management 表演 and improving organizational effectiveness. 该计划旨在提供有效的决策, 训练, 创新地解决问题, 以及解决冲突的技巧. 在瞬息万变的今天, 竞争激烈的市场, 组织需要高度运作, 创新领袖.

谁应该参加? -经理,主管,团队领导和未来的领导者. As a participant, you will work in an engaging and dynamic team environment. Upon completion of the course you will: Inspire subordinates to work to their full potential, 在高级层面进行沟通,以更好地管理冲突, 学习建立信任和确保责任的策略, 提高你的教练技能, 与有能力的领导同事建立持久的关系网. Each session is filled with real-life examples and practical techniques for getting results. Begin immediately applying leadership excellence at your job and in your life!

每两周会议 -每两周参加一次课程, 1个全天开课及11个半天开课. Plus 10 hours of one-on-one 训练 for each participant, materials and refreshments.


教练是一个一对一的过程,利用特定的目标和目标来开发员工的潜力, 改善人际关系,提高绩效. 有证据表明,教练可以在很多方面提高工作效率,比如提高盈利能力, 发展员工,留住表现最好的员工. 它促进了员工之间有意识的清晰和专注,并为领导者提供了一种授权给员工的方法, achieve a higher level of effectiveness within their organizations and positively impact productivity. Effective Coaching is a learned skill and a powerful tool for any supervisor or leader’s “toolbox”.


领导者必须知道如何沟通一切,从组织的愿景到如何使用时间时钟. 有效的沟通建立信任, 人际关系和有价值的员工, 而无效的沟通会摧毁已经建立的一切. 领导者必须学会带着明确的目的说话,并了解对每个员工或团队使用的最有效方法. 他们必须懂得如何打破沟通障碍, 运用有效的倾听技巧, and how to build relationships through effective verbal and non-verbal communication.


Resolving conflict is a challenge that everyone is faced with regardless of their job title, 但它的积极解决是一个伟大领袖的标志. 要解决冲突,领导者必须了解人类的动态, 人际和群体沟通, 谈判, 以及如何挖掘冲突的积极面. Development of this skill will make for a more effective and productive leader.


领导者在工作场所设定基调、节奏和整体期望. 而组织可以制定一般的政策和程序, every leader of every team establishes the internal culture by which their group operates. 一致的存在, 基于共同愿景的全组织文化, 合作, 信任, and strong relationships will make the difference between excellence and mediocrity in the market.


提供世界一流的客户服务将使您在同行业中脱颖而出. 不管他们的职位是什么, 每一位员工每时每刻都在吸引或排斥他们接触到的每一位客户. 世界一流的客户服务培训为参与者提供了事实, 他们需要的工具和技术来提高他们的表现,从而超越服务到“客户关怀”. 他们学会了积极态度的价值, 如何建立客户关系, 了解客户,了解他们真正想要的是什么, 当然,你需要掌握必要的技能.


情商(EI)是指一个人识别自己和他人感受的能力, 激励自己, 管理他们自己和他们的关系. These abilities are distinct from traditional academic intelligence and cannot be measured by IQ. 高情商的领导者通过以下途径帮助他们的组织通过员工创造竞争优势:提高绩效, 提高积极性和团队合作能力, 促进创新,恢复信任.


领导能力是通过了解自己来培养的, 我们如何在组织中领导我们的团队,我们的领导行为对我们同事的生产力有什么影响, 以及最终我们组织的成功. 我们的培训重点是领导风格评估, 运用情境领导的力量, 学会平衡员工的积极性和责任, and learning how to positively impact employee productivity and organizational 表演. 这是培养领导能力的第一步.


领导高绩效团队不是偶然发生的. 将员工放在一个部门或让他们彼此靠近并不能自动创建或建立一个团队. 领导(团队领导、主管、经理等)要做到这一点.)必须了解自己和队友的沟通风格, 每个人的行为如何影响结果, 为什么团队会失败, how to 创建 a productive and innovative work environment and how to solve problems as a team.


精益是一种过程改进方法, when applied to any organization reaps rewards in the form of shortened production and process time, 降低成本, 提高效率,甚至团队建设. 许多“工具”被教授和应用,因此培训在组织的每个部分都有“真实”的应用和“真实”的结果.


在我们周围,我们看到很多组织破产和解散,主要是因为它们不能及时识别和有效地应对环境的变化. Change is inevitable in every organization regardless of the industry within which they operate. 作为一个组织保持健康和活力, 领导者必须学会如何管理变革,而不是让自己的组织被变革击倒.


公司长期建立起来的智囊团很容易被退休和自愿离职所侵蚀, leaving organizations vulnerable to insufficient and perhaps ineffective leadership. 除了, 通过组织中存在的指导机会,吸引和留住最优秀的人才变得更加容易. 因此, 无论是正式的还是非正式的, effective mentoring is an essential part of building a sustainable organization. 领导者应该有意识地为自己和有前途的员工寻找或创造指导机会.


什么能激励员工? Motivation means something different to each individual in the organization. 金钱是一种非常短期的激励因素,不推荐使用. One-to-one management, building morale and opening lines of communication are good places to start.


This training is designed to help participants achieve greater productivity, balance and success. 学会将长期目标与日常和每周的活动结合起来,对于实现任何组织的战略目标都是至关重要的. Participants will understand the difference between urgencies and priorities, 如何对自己和他人负责, 以及管理时间的“控制因素”.


Peer to boss处理的是在组织中升职的个人所面临的问题. These “home grown” leaders are very loyal and committed to the organization, but usually do not have the skills needed to effectively transition into their new positions. 他们面临的一些挑战可能包括表现出偏袒, 不得不管教以前的同辈, 有效管理年长的同事, 这样的例子不胜枚举.


绩效管理是一个系统,通过它,一个组织能够有效地将其战略目标与员工的日常职能结合起来,同时在动荡的环境中运作, 全球经济. 包括考试, 修改, 创建准确的职位描述, 任务评估与测量, 澄清员工的期望. 除了, 主管必须学会如何有效地撰写和提供绩效评估,以激励员工并帮助他们充分发挥潜力. HR professionals need to ensure appropriate training of their management and leadership staff, 创造一个有利于开放沟通和团队合作的环境, and hold team leaders accountable so as to bring organizations closer to achieving their mission.


在当今竞争激烈的商业世界, one of the most important skills is the ability to communicate your message clearly and persuasively. A well prepared presentation can serve to inform, educate and excite clients about your products. Effective presentation skills build rapport and open the door to positive customer relationships.


今天, 领导者仅仅在理智上同意员工是组织的命脉是不够的, they must know how to act on this to procure maximum commitment 和生产力 from their staff. 虽然人力资源的职责已经发展成为一个专门的职能,许多组织都有个人履行这一职能, it is more important than ever for leaders to understand the core components of HR; employment law issues and best practices.


是什么让他们打勾,我们如何管理它? The foundation for all training and development in leadership must be self-awareness. It is through self-awareness that we deepen our understanding of ourselves, those around us; those we lead, 那些我们领导的人, 那些我们追随的人. Understanding leadership “style” and its direct impact on the organization, as well as situational leadership principles are critical to the development of strong, 高效且值得信赖的领导者.


Supervisory skills training is necessary for 新提拔的 and seasoned, supervisory staff. Participants learn how to effectively manage different personality styles, how to set departmental goals and 创建 viable plans to achieve them, 如何更有效地解决棘手的问题, 如何有效地委派工作, 以及如何更清晰、更有效地沟通.


系统思考是一种超越孤立和独立事件的能力, 问题或问题, 并且能够更深入地识别, 组织模式. A business is a system, a series of interconnected parts (departments). 通常是系统的结构, and not the efforts of the people working within it that determine the outcomes. An understanding of systems gives everyone in an organization a greater degree of control over results.


对于新晋升的个人和可能没有接受过这方面的结构化培训的员工来说,理解管理角色是很困难的. 参与者学习一个有效的管理者的角色和素质, 他们学习如何设定和完成组织目标, 如何有效、恰当地分配任务, how to obtain top 表演 from their associates and how to follow up to ensure success.


理解组织战略的工作, 如果组织要执行战略计划并实现其战略目标,那么制定和贯彻必须延伸到各级领导. 在闪电般的节奏中, 高新科技股, 不断变化的工作场所, organizations need every leader to think strategically; understanding how to scan their internal and external environment and how to use that information to strengthen and grow their organization